The Invisible Minority. Asians, who are often called the “model minority”, in actuality are more like the “invisible minority”
Life Articles
TV: High Definition for Life Definition
For many of us, TV is how we first discover and get a taste of what the outside world is like.
2020: Culture in the Time of Corona
by Tim Chau | Culture, Life, Travel
From an American Living Abroad in Vietnam. Culture is much more than a collective groups’ food or traditions. It’s how people see the world and each fellow human.
Ni-home: Country Road Leads to the City
A Look into the Future of Cities. Human migration is a practice as old as history. Like animals we are prone to migration.
Head-On Formosa
101 Problems, but a Boba Ain’t One. It turns out you learn a lot about yourself when you’re forced to adapt to a new country and climate.
The Dichotomy of the Floating World
by Tim Chau | Culture, Life, Travel
Lessons From Living in Modern Japanese Society. Everything and everyone ticks like the second-hand on a clock.
The Freedom and Equality of Safe Infrastructure
When Sharing the Road Became Russian Roulette. The negative effects of car dependency and the significant improvements to Safety and Equality in places that invest in walkable infrastructure.
The Most Practical Bicycle in the World (Mamachari)
by Tim Chau | Design, Urbanism
The mamachari (meaning “mom’s chariot”) is the most popular type of bicycle found in Japan and the Netherlands. It’s the perfect city bike that offers an upright position for a more ergonomic and comfortable ride.
The Relationship Between Empathy and Design
Exploring User Friction and Confusion to Lead a Better User Experience. One is a difficulty you experience, the other is when you experience an unknown.